Important Of Custom Magnets In Your Business And Where To Buy Them


Advertising: One of the most important and most challenging parts of owning a business. It doesn’t matter if you run a mom and pop store, are part of a recent startup, or work for a Fortune 500 company, the money that goes towards advertising needs to be carefully spent. There are dozens of ways to advertise. Those that reach a large group of people in a short amount of time, like television commercials or print ads in newspapers and magazines, might be a bit costly and outside of your budget range. There are also promotional contests with freebies like pens and highlighters with the company name or logo. Then there’s the more affordable, handing out brochures and leaflets on busy street corners or exchanging business cards in conversation. These can be effective at times, but in the end it requires a large amount of effort for a piece of paper that can just be thrown away in the nearest trash bin.


  • A business card is definitely the most affordable and the most common form of advertising, but they can easily be mixed up amongst the handful of other cards that people receive. There’s nothing unique or permanent about an ordinary business card. It’s time for new and innovative forms of advertising and business owners are searching for the next affordable and customizable option to get their name out there.
  • This is where customized magnets come in. A magnet provides all of the easy, affordable advertising of a business card, but brings a more permanent element to the table. The best place to start is researching online for websites that provide customizable items. You can find tons of office supply sites that provide options for creating your own personal custom magnet along with the traditional business card.

Get the Magnets that Meet Your Business Needs

The best part about the magnet is that it can still be designed in the same way you would design your business card, except now it’s a more solid and useful item that people are more likely to see on their fridge every day. You’ll obviously have the company name and/or your name, perhaps along with contact information like phone and fax numbers, email address, or your physical address. To make it more aesthetically pleasing, it could have the company logo, which would more likely catch people’s eye. As with business cards, it’s helpful to purchase the item in bulk so as to save money.

There are also varying types of magnets you can do apart from the business card magnet. A lot of businesses find the calendar magnet appealing, and there are even magnets for the car door. Car door magnets aren’t needed in bulk and they’re perfect for all businesses that get out of the office a lot and are situated in more bustling areas. There are plenty of sizes and types to choose from, so you can be sure to find the best fit for your business needs. The tips provided on this website might help you to get to the basic measures of success in the new business venture.

Where to Buy Best Magnets

Plenty of sites provide discounts for their customers, and some provide free samples and free shipping along with their lowered prices. They can deliver in as fast as 2 to 3 business days and creating the magnet is as simple as uploading your design to the website. If you’re unsure as to where to begin designing your magnet, websites also offer templates and samples for you to choose from. Jobmaster’s custom magnets has a great selection of all of the custom magnets mentioned in this article, be it business magnets, car magnets, or calendar magnets. Think about the next step in advertising for your company and consider turning to the advertising that is sure to “stick” around.

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